Thursday, March 7, 2013

American Idol Season 12 Semifinals: Top 10 girls performances

The top 10 girls perform and half of them will move on based on public vote. The finalists will be announced Thursday night. Here is my take on what has transpired.

Zoanette Johnson
Song Choice: What's Love Got To Do With It, Tina Turner

She's a hot hot mess now. It's not good at all. She's all over the place. Her voice is irritating and she doesn't move well on stage. Well, we don't expect her to become Tina for one night. But it would definitely give her a seat in the Idol finale is she miraculously did. She won't get through, methinks. 
Breanna Steer
Song Choice: Flaws and All, Beyonce
Breanna is such a pretty girl. But when she sings, she seems so pissed. I wish her beauty shines more when she sings. In terms of her performance, her voice is haunting. Overall, it was just alright. 
Aubrey Cleland
Song Choice: Big Girls Don't Cry, Fergie
Both Breanna and Aubrey are beautiful. But compared to Breanna, Aubrey sings with a clearer face. She looks and sings so delicate. And that makes her a bit boring. The song is about being a big girl but she sings it like a (little) girl. She needs to take some fire from Zoanette. She should think Rhianna when she performs. 
Janelle Arthur
Song Choice: If I Can Dream, Elvis Presley
She judges say she's spectacular but it doesn't seem to translate outside the TV. She just don't jump out like Carrie Underwood does. Or is it just me. We'll soon find out Friday.
Teena Torres
Song Choice: Lost, Faith Hill
Teena's voice disappears in parts of the performance especially when she's at the lower register or at falsetto. The performance also needs heating up as it's like cold soup.  
Angela Miller
Song Choice: Never Gone, Colton Dixon
Angie is a front-runner.  We haven't seen anything bad from this girl. She has perfect or almost too perfect performances. Maybe too perfect that people might want to move away and look for someone else that they can root for and bring to the top. Everyone loves an underdog. She's not. 
Amber Holcomb
Song Choice: I Believe in You and Me, Whitney Houston
She's a wonderful singer. She's so brave singing a Whitney and she did pull it off splendidly. But I kinda feel she overrun the song. l like to hear her sing clear and clean.
Kree Harrison
Song Choice: Stronger, Faith Hill
In the battle of the Country singer, Kree definitely takes the first place. Love her when she's up there with the notes. She's so natural her voice and with her looks.
Adriana Latonio
Song Choice: Stand Up for Love, Destiny's Child
The youngest in the bunch and smallest. I think she is the boldest of them all. She takes risks in her song choices and performances. It means it's not boring.  She does command the stage very well. Pass or fail I think she is someone you want to fight for.
Candice Glover
Song Choice: Ordinary People, John Legend

Candice is likable. Her likability is base on her talent and how she carries herself on stage. There is power in quietness and behind that calm demeanor is a big voice. And definitely she got it.
My predictions.

American Idol: Top 10 Girls performance
I definitely see Candice moving on to the finals. I also see Kree and Angie as top contenders. The maybes for me are Amber, Adriana, Breanna, and Janelle. Aubrey Teena, and Zoanette are definitely out of the running. 
My 5 picks: Candice, Kree, Angela, Amber and Adriana

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