Saturday, March 23, 2013

American Idol 12 Top 9 sings The Beatles

Aubrey Cleland and Charlie Askew.
Aubrey takes on 11th place and a spot
on the American Idol Tour. 
American Idol goes with the songs of The Beatles for inspiration. Most Beatles' songs has the most profound combination of words and melody. Some contestants have the tendency to over sing these songs. No frills, no gimmicks. The key to perfection is singing these songs with emotion and clarity.

In a special public voting run, Aubrey Cleland won over fellow semi-finalist, Charlie Askew and took the last spot in the American Idol tour. Congratulations and well deserve, Aubrey!

Kree Harrison ~ "With A Little Help From My Friends"

Kree is definitely has the chops to sing any kind of song. This was a perfect song for her to sing. It does make you feel good. Everybody would feel good voting for her. 

Burnell Taylor ~ "Let It Be"

Burnell's voice, especially when he sang the phrase 'Let It Be', gave me the chills and the goosebumps. He is definitely a pro and head boy of the class.

Amber Holcomb ~"She's Leaving Home"

I didn't know this is a Beatles' song. She made it her own and current. She is definitely the diva of the bunch. This is one of her best performances.

Lazaro Arbos ~ "In My Life"

The performance was not that good. It felt a bit depressing. But knowing how the American audience love his story, I think he still can rack more sympathy votes in his favor. 

Candice Glover ~ "Come Together"

She exude rock. l think she can do great in any genre. Can she do hip-hop? Because I see a bit of Queen Latifa in her. 

Paul Jolley ~ "Elenor Rigbey"
It was good song choice. one of my memorable performance in American Idol is when David Cook sang this song. l wish he inject more feeling to the song like anger or remorse. I didn't fell anything at all. I'm not liking the falsetto. It takes him long time to peak then it fizzle in the end. 
Angie Miller ~ "Yesterday"
It was great vocal overall, but I feel there is something wrong with it. The essence of the song escape me. I think it is best heard close to the original.
Devin Velez ~ "The Long and Winding Road"

Devin is really a great singer. I can sense there is more to him inside that we never seen yet. I think he need to loosen up a bit and just let go. He better do it soon or he might not survive in the coming weeks.
Janelle Arthur ~ "I Will"

Janelle is the 5th girl in the bunch. She is the prettiest and it shines through in this performance. She is also most improved. There is a strong chance that she might exceed her current rankings in the competition.

Some did very well, while some flopped down to the ground.

My American Idol Top 9 performance ranking.
#1 Amber, #2 Burnell, #3 Kree,
#4 Candice #5 Angie, #6 Janelle
#7 Devin, #8 Paul, #9 Lazaro
Are the girl's winning streak continue until tomorrow? I think so, for tomorrow, we will see another guy leave the competition.

1 comment:

  1. Kree Harrison will make American idol 2013.because Kree Harrison voice also good.
    american idol


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