Friday, March 8, 2013

American Idol Semifinals: Filipino - American Adriana Latonio Last Stand

American Idol: Adriana Latonio sings
Destiny's Child's Stand Up for Love

Filipino - American Adriana Latonio is the youngest contestant in the competition. She reached the American Idol semifinals with a strong showing so far. She sang "Ain't No Way" by Aretha Franklin and drew praises from the judges. Nicki Minaj praise her for being 'a little tiny thing but commands the stage".
In her bid to take a finals ticket, she chose to sing 'Stand Up for Love" by Destiny's Child.
Adriana Latonio Performs "Stand Up For Love" 
In her performance, she showed a strong presence with a huge hurrah at the end. All four judges find the performance pageant like. Here are the judges' comments.
Keith Urban: " I am a little nervous about that song choice for you tonight because in the midst of everything we've been hearing tonight and with just the level of everyone is at, I am a little worried that wasn't the best song choice for you. Because you have that big powerful voice which we heard at the end. But I am a little worried that it took too long to get to all of that. I hope I am wrong."
Nicki Minaj: "Do you hope you're really wrong, Keith? Hello little lady. How are you? You look pretty with you ball gown. Umm...Okay! Ahh wow. Hi Alaska! Yeah babe. After Angie, Amber and Kree, I would suggest you work a little bit and come back next year. It just didn't stand out. I think the song is a bit too big for you. At the beginning, as soon as you... if you all keep on boo-ing, I am keep on talking. So, in the beginning of the song, little lady bug, you didn't even connect. There were no emotion. It was really pageantry. But you have that strong voice. It going to take a little more, you know, experience - life experience, little maturity to come back in here and own it, okay?"
Randy Jackson: "Yeah, you know, honestly it's really safe and it's really was kinda pageantry. I don't know, but maybe its the song, but you have sung big songs before. I also think that at this point in the competition, tonight we've been hearing all of this slow down tempo ballads, everything all this kinda thing, you need to come in a just slay it. That didn't happen. I was just really kinda bored really.
Mariah Carey: "I really enjoyed your last performance... I think it's just the structure of this song, how do I say this. What they say that the song is to big for you, I don't really know what it actually means. But, I would say that maybe it's laid out as a traditional kind of ballad that you expect to hear at an event that is a big event and that what this is. But I think you are a little more of a soulful moment from you that is less produced and what not arrangement-wise. Anyway, I still enjoy your voice and I hope everybody saw your previous performances. Keep it going."
Despite all the critique, Adriana stood humble and composed. She took everything in with a smile on her face. Definitely, she is not a 'tiny little bug' you can step on. Despite not making it to the top 10, she surely has a bright future ahead. Well done Adriana!

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