Saturday, March 23, 2013

American Idol Top 9 Results: It's Paul Jolley Day!

American Idol: Jessica Sanchez and Ne-Yo performs 'Tonight'

I agree with Jimmy Iovine. Judges, don't cuddle your favorites. Be fair and help the contestants by giving them good critiques to improve on.
A scruffy-looking James Abrams works the crowd with his version of The Beatles' "I Saw Her Standing There".
Wow! Last season's runner-up Jessica Sanchez and Ne-Yo performs their dance single "Tonight".
The town of Dresden, Tennessee proclaims March 16, 2013 as Paul Jolley Day! The celebration came to a halt when Ryan Seacrest announced he is in the bottom 3.
So Ryan is announcing the results in no particular order. It is either the contestants are safe or on the bottom 3.
Devin Velez is in the bottom 3.
Lazaro Arbos is safe. Is he sad or just being humble about it?
Kree Harrison, Candice Glover And Angela Miller are safely through to next week.
Janelle Arthur also moves on to the next round.
Surprise! Burnell Taylor and Amber Holcomb are left in the couch. Either one of them is in the bottom 3.
American Idol Top 9 Results Night
Burnell is safe.
So, Paul, Devin and Amber are the bottom 3.
Amber did wonderful last week. Are the votes reflecting results from another parallel world?
Ryan revealed that Paul received the lowest number of votes.
Paul sang Heart's "Alone". A song not fitting to a day named after yourself.
Randy announced that the judges was not a unanimous decision.
Paul is coming home. A Jolley day to all!

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