Friday, March 1, 2013

American Idol Sudden Death: Top 40's Jett Hermano Final Performance on the Idol Stage

American Idol Top 40: Jett Hermano

Bridgette "Jett" Hermano, a 25-year-old Filipina from Washington DC, dreams of performing on stage while working behind the desk as a legal assistant. Jett's dream takes her to a journey at the Idol stage. But her journey ended tonight as she got eliminated in one of the brutal cuts this season dubbed as the sudden death round.
Aside from having a wonderful sultry voice, Jett also show her musicality by performing her version of Rhianna's "Only Girl in the World" behind the piano. Given that she has given less or no airtime exposure in earlier episode, I really wanted to see more of her and what she can do on stage.
Jett performs Rhianna's "Only Girl in the World".
AMERICAN IDOL SEASON 12: Jett Hermano Performs Sudden Death Round 
Keith Urban: "... I love that you did this unique arrangement of that song. I so applaud (you for) taking the song and making it your own. And the musicianship, we saw a lot here tonight, is fantastic to see. What you did for me, by slowing that song down and doing it the way you did brought up the sexiness of the song in the way that Rihanna does but (you did it) in another way, another level again. I really, really appreciate that, Jett."
Nicki Minaj: "I like the arrangement as well. I love that you slowed it down. I like the breathy falsetto stuff you did a lot. But I thought its going to climax to something and I never felt that."
Randy Jackson: "I kinda know what you are going. I thought you are going up from the piano midway and kinda rock it mid stage and wear out vocally...
Keith Urban: " ..the strength is kinda good though.."
Randy Jackson: "Yeah, I know I love that. The first part was actually beautiful and I love that thing at the end. I call that a 'little Mariah-ism' which is a little falsetto thing which is very nice... but the middle part the tempo came it and I was 'Yo come on!'"
Mariah Carey: "I always felt you were an interesting and unique addition to this contest and that there is something different about you. I am not sure where you gonna take it but it's very very intriguing. It didn't matter to me that you didn't go sick at the end like having a fit on the piano and do whatever. I really enjoy the first half of the song a lot and I love that you did that song. Good luck with the rest of this whole thing."
So it's a split review for Jett from the panel. Keith and Mariah likes her performance while Nicki and Randy is on the fence.
In the mini interview with Ryan Seacrest, we found out that Jett has her roots from Sarrat, Ilocos Norte in the Philippines. When Ryan ask what is the hot spot that small town. Jett wittingly say 'Home'. Yes! Home is where the heart is.
Then that was the cue the judges been waiting for as we see her as one of the five who went home that night.
But if ever there will be a wildcard round, I sure hope that Jett would take a spot and make a comeback.

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