Sunday, January 27, 2013

American Idol Week 2: Gone south

I'm catching up on American Idol for my blog. funny how Keith said Mariah and then looked at Nicki. LOL, he should have said his hail Marys there and now.

Charlie Askew 

This kid is a bit weird and as Randy said "seemingly dark boy". I don't know with the rest of you, but for me, that is cool. He is definitely not boring. He's got talent.

Megan Miller

I like her voice. She's brave too going to the auditions before having her surgery.

Burnell Taylor 

This guy takes you to church. And those kinds of voices makes it to the top.

Ashley Smith

This girl is a surprise. I thought she would be a comedic wreck but she blew it out of the part. A big voice in a small petite p!

Seretha Guinn

An unexpected audition from an awesome mom. 

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