Saturday, January 19, 2013

American Idol 12 Episode 2: Chicago Auditions

American Idol judge, Mariah Carey

After New York, American Idol goes to Chicago .
One of the most successful AI alumni is from Chicago. I am referring to Jennifer Hudson. She would be an ideal judge for AI. It's just my thought.
Going back to the current roster of judges, they do sure act like a dysfunctional family. Randy is the (god)father of course. And then we have the two warring sisters and then the boy in between. The interaction is quite hilarious, I should say. Yet, sometimes it gets a bit out of control. 'Keep the fun clean' is just I want to say.
I think Mariah is doing a great job in her first stint as a judge. I find her sincere and straightforward commentary towards the contestant's performance remarkable and genuine. I think that is mark of a great motivator.
Here were some of the interesting auditions in this episode:

Josh Holiday
It is a definite yes for this guy. I think he has a great sounding voice and he does have control when he sings.

Johnny Keyser
I remember this guy from last year and that he didn't make it to the top 13. I am glad he is back to take Idol another shot.

Kez Ban
Awkward! I like her singer-songwriter vibe. She does remind me of Crystal Bowersox.

Stephanie Schimel
She is like-able. I don't think she anything like Carrie Underwood. However, she made Nicki on the offensive which is hilarious.

Kiara Lanier
She has a wonderful voice and voice control. She's pretty and I like the nose ring.

Lazaro Arbos
The most inspiring audition so far. Lazaro has a remarkable story and I think he would do great in this competition. Sing all the time, Lazaro.
Were you also inspired watching this episode?

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