Sunday, February 10, 2013

American Idol: Boys Week

American Idol Judges as Zombies
It's the start of American Idol Hollywood week. The guys are first to perform.  Many have fallen including some judges' favorites. They were cut because they fall prey from being too complacent and by not memorizing the lines to the songs. Forgetting the lyrics is a no-no. Some made the mistake of  choosing the wrong song. Some don't do well in groups. But even if you do these mistakes, it pays to be present and show your personality. 
Some favorites that had gone through the top 28 are...
1st Batch: Paul Jolley and Lazaro Arbos 
Paul and Lazaro have great singing voice but their problem is their nerves. I hope they gain more confidence as they progress forward in the competition.
Curtis Finch Jr. Performs
Devin Velez in Hollywood Week
Watch out for Curtis and Devin. Unlike the first two, these guys don't have problems with confidence.
Gurpreet Singh Sarin and Cortez Shaw Performance
Also moving forward are Gurpreet "The Turbanator" Singh Sarin and Cortez Shaw. I personally like Cortez voice.
Jimmy Smith sing his piece

Jimmy sang his heart out for redemption and it paid off big time. He moves on to the next round.
Nick Boddington makes a comeback
Nick Boddington made his mark singing "Stars". I sure he will make to the live performances this time around.
Charlie Askew is not afraid to show his weird side
I don't particularly like Charlie's squeaky voice but I like the way he attacks the song. I also like his personality on the stage.
Burnell Taylor and Marvin Calderon Performances
I like these guys who sings with a lot of soul. Burnell and Marvin advances to the next round.
Some contestant performances were not shown, but these guys also made it through to the next round.
Adam Sanders 
Jada Davila
Johnny Keizer
Vincent Pau
Some early favorites that didn't make it in this round are:
Matheus Fernandez 
Nicholas Mathis
Papa Peachez
Michael Johnson
Dave Brown
Nate Tao
All in all, 28 guys made it to the next round. However  they are not on the clear yet. The judges announced they still need to cut 8 guys more after they seen all the girls' performances next week. 

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